My Role
Project Description
“Because the best technology is human. The Techniker.” – with this claim the Techniker Krankenkasse started their new campaign in September 2016. After a successful rebranding of their brand identity, the human body and its extraordinary abilities are in the center of the new campaign.
One part of that campaign were the so called “Ultrawearables” – body parts like the mouth, hands or ear turned into an abstract “product”.
We translated this abstract concept into a campaign clip with the influencer Cheng Löw, in which we used visual language and extensive sound design to tell the story of someone, who receives one of these “Ultrawearables” – a super microphone – and suddenly suffers from an acute hearing loss (Hörsturz), sort of a “reset” of all his hearing abilities. He then has to go through stimulus satiation and disorientation to get back to masterly abilities. Thus also getting back long lost appreciation for what our body is capable of and how important health protection really is.
The result is an unusual YouTube video, which is a celebration for the senses, especially the ear.