My Role
Project Description
After the successful first campaign for the Techniker Krankenkasse “#wireinander”, for which YouTubers talked about health related events in their past, with “#futureme” we now took a look at how the things you do now effect you and your health in the future.
“#futureme” was developed as a digital extension of the offline campaign “Gesundheit ist alles”, for which two regular vlogs (Dner and Apecrime) and two high-quality branded fiction videos (TwinTV and Joyce Ilg) were produced. For the latter the YouTubers made a real health checkup and based on this and their current lifestyle then went on a “trip” into their future, 30 years from now. The main question for them was: If I continued to live my life like I do right now, how would it affect my health in 30 years?
Every YouTuber at the end of their videos then asked the viewer to check their future me in an online app developed by Elbkind.
Jahr der Werbung: Megaphon 2017 Bronze